Then we have in our society, the intelligent, the talented, the born-to-be-great youth, full of ambition and zeal, but short of resources to fulfill their cherished dreams. The nation needs their services, and we feel we have to do something to get the best out of our human resources. But how do we do it? We are short of time and the means to achieve our purpose. Besides, a lone helping hand may not be sufficient. Many people may have to join hands to compensate for a misery or help a deserving case. It’s here that we find the need for a coordination agency that can bring the philanthropists together, pool their resources, detect the deserving cases, study their needs, and then execute the appropriate action. It was to fulfill this pressing need that the Faiz-e-Aam Trust was born.
The specific incident that became the cause for the inception of the Trust occurred on 24 August, 1982. It was in the busy chowk area of Aurangabad city that a two-storied structure housing a family and its only source of income, a shop on the ground floor, suddenly collapsed, killing the main bread-earners and leaving their five children unprotected and unprovided for. The event was too tragic to be forgotten. It brought some conscientious and dedicated people together to give birth to the concept of “Faiz-e-Aam.” It means “providing benefit to all, irrespective of caste, color, creed, religious or regional affiliations.” The Trust is not named after any person, living or dead; rather, it is named after the purpose for which it has been established.